Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) (Palomar System)
This photo-rejuvenation treatment for face, neck, chest, and hands can simultaneously treat a wide range of skin conditions, including rosacea, sun damage, blemishes, irregular pigmentation, enlarged pores, broken capillaries, spider veins, sun-induced freckles, and benign brown pigments. This alternative to more aggressive therapies reduces redness, wrinkles, and hyper-pigmentation, and promotes even skin texture and tone. For best results, we recommend 4 to 6 treatments over a period of 4 to 5 months. IPL provides a non-ablative, “no down time” treatment that enables clients to resume regular activities immediately.
Unsightly birthmarks, spider veins on the face and legs, age spots, sun spots, freckles, and unsightly excess hair affect millions of people.
Our advanced IPL technology allows us to safely, easily, and effectively treat many benign pigmented and vascular skin lesions painlessly on an out-patient basis.
Frequently Asked Questions About IPL
How do IPL treatments work?
IPL treatments are performed with a non-invasive medical system that uses intense pulsed light therapy to reduce melanin, the dark pigment in your skin.
The light energy is gently delivered to your skin in pulses, through a delicate, computer-controlled handpiece. After your IPL treatment, the treated vein, lesion or hair will gradually fade and slowly disappear.
What conditions can IPL treat?
- Freckles
- Age Spots (Lentigos)
- Sun Spots (Solar Lentigos)
- Cafe au Lait Macules (Birthmarks)
- Seborrheic Keratoses
- Hyperpigmentation
- Port Wine Stains
- Rosacea
- Spider Veins (Face and Legs)
Can IPL treatments remove unwanted hair?
Yes. IPL treatments can remove unwanted hair from any part of your body. The pigment in your hair’s follicle absorbs the light energy from the IPL. This destroys the follicle so that it cannot grow. However, your hair grows in cycles, and only the hair that is visible can be treated. As a result, multiple treatments will be required for optimal results. Our patients love IPL treatments because once a follicle is destroyed, it will never grow again!.
Are IPL treatments safe?
Yes. IPL systems have been used successfully in hundreds of thousands of treatments. IPL allows your doctor to customize each treatment to your specific skin type and condition being treated. This flexible, interactive approach to treatment cannot be reached using any other non-invasive treatment currently available.
Do IPL treatments hurt?
Some patients say they feel a slight sting, like the snap of a rubber band on the skin, followed by the feeling of sunburn. However, anesthetics are not necessary.
How many treatments are required?
This depends on the size, location, depth and color of your lesion. Spider veins on the face and age spots generally do well with one or two treatments, while darker or deeper birthmarks may require additional treatments. Port wine stains, hemangiomas and leg veins usually experience satisfactory results from IPL treatments, although as many as four to eight treatment sessions may be required. Each session usually lasts 15-20 minutes. Treatments should be placed 4 to 8 weeks apart to allow your body to remove the maximum amount of pigment cells. You will continue to see a lightening of your lesion after each treatment as your body disposes of the pigment cells.
What results can you expect from IPL treatments?
Most patients will see improvement in their vascular and pigmented lesions. The improvement can be quite dramatic. However, as with any medical procedure, there is always a possibility that only minor changes will occur and in rare cases there is no response.
There are several benefits to IPL treatments:
- Little, if any, pain
- No anesthetic needed
- Little bruising or swelling
- No down time